JMM Europe offers the following liability covers. We differentiate ourselves by building your liability package specific to your needs, on an industry, sector and trade specific basis.
Adventure & Special Travel Insurance
JMM Europe’s adventure and special travel insurance covers the more courageous travellers and families who indulge in more adventurous activities. It also covers travel to remote, and potentially more dangerous areas of the world. It can include global emergency assistance and specialised recovery from these remote areas with our travel assistance partners, managed from their 24 hour watch-room in London.
Business Travel & Personal Accident Insurance
Our specialist business travel policy includes all types of work overseas, including those personnel supplied to hazardous areas and even war zones. The cover includes laptops and other office equipment used in travel, and compensation payments for death or disability while travelling for business.
Sports Personal Accident Insurance for Sport Persons (including teams)
This insurance provides cover for professional and amateur athletes for loss of income from any source, including sport, injury or illness. Policies can be extended to include cover for lost future earnings following a career ending injury.